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People took out a procession on Palm Sunday with palm branches in their hands.


Mar 24, 2024
People took out a procession on Palm Sunday with palm branches in their hands.

Bureau Chief Rahim Sherani Hindustani | Jhabua | From Sunday the Christian community prepares to celebrate the holy week. In this week, people gather at one place and mainly commemorate the history of salvation through the holy suffering of Jesus Christ, death on the cross and resurrection. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter. Palm Sunday is followed by Maundy Thursday, the day when Jesus had his last meal with his disciples and commanded them to love and serve. Good Friday i.e. the day when the crucifixion of Jesus is ordered and Good Saturday i.e. the day when Jesus’ death is mourned, Sunday is called the Passion of the Lord or Palm Sunday. On Sunday, Lord Jesus enters Jerusalem before his suffering. There was a place in Jerusalem where Jesus taught people. When he entered Jerusalem, people welcomed Jesus by spreading sheets and waving palm branches. Hosanna to the Son of David, or Hosanna… Hosanna, Hosanna….
To commemorate this great victory, the Christian community gathered on Sunday in the New Catholic Mission School courtyard where the priests offered special prayers and blessed the palm branches. After the blessing, people holding palm branches in their hands and shouting slogans of Hosanna and Halleluia reached the local church courtyard where special prayers were offered by the priests. People later took these date branches with them to their homes. As part of the events, Good Friday festival will be celebrated on Friday and Easter Sunday on the coming Sunday. With this, the fasting and Chalisa events that have been going on for 40 days will also end.
On this occasion, Reverend Father Thomas P.A. The Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese said in his sermon that the triumphal journey of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem is our victory. The followers of Jesus considered Jesus a king and accepted his kingdom of love and service. We should also love instead of hating and keep serving the needy. He said this week is also a time of prayer and preparation to join Jesus in his tragic journey of the cross. Because the cross is a symbol of Jesus Christ’s victory over death.
The event was read by Chief Priest Father Thomas PA, Father Embanathan and Father Lucas Damor. After the last part of the Mass, everyone took the oath to vote fully in the elections. Chief priests Father Thomas PA, Father Pratap Baria, Father Anton Katara, Father Johnson, Father Embanathan, Father Lucas and Father Prakash were present to celebrate the Mass. Led by Jerome Wakhra, Anand Khadiya, Benjamin Ninama, Levnard Vasuniya, Madhu Baria, Shifa Singadia, Sushila Singar, Sudhir Mandodia Sonu Hatila. Melodious music was sung by the Youth Association. In the end the vote of thanks was accepted by Father Pratap. Crus Yatra will start on 29th and events will also be held on Tuesday and Thursday. The Mass on Thursday remembers the Lord’s act of washing the feet of his disciples. The chief priest washes and kisses the feet of the twelve elders. This incident gives us the message that Lord Jesus does not believe in serving but in serving. The procession will be taken out on Friday. The cross is carried by 14 different people. The Passion is remembered on 14 rest days. 3 o’clock is the time of death of Lord Christ. There are great prayers at that time. This is the only day on which Mass is not celebrated. The above information was given by Vaibhav Kharadi.

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