Pawan Paruthi - Gwalior MP
Brahma Kumar Ashish, who pulls buses, trucks, ships etc. with his teeth, is giving the message of de-addiction.
Gwalior - A team from Bhopal reached Gwalior while conducting a program under the Drug Free India Campaign organized by Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.
During the program in front of Vidhichand Dharamshala Railway Station, motivational speaker BK Shyam Sundar addressed everyone and said that one should not take any kind of drugs. Drugs are like termites, which hollow out the body. Therefore, we should always stay away from drug addicts and drugs. Brahma Kumar Ashish told that through Rajyoga, one can easily get rid of drugs. He said that we have pulled buses, trucks, train engines, small trains, ships with our teeth through meditation, we do programs. That is the wonder of meditation. Meditation works in every field. But siddhi is achieved only by method. Rajyogini Jyoti Behan, Director of Golden World Retreat Center Malanpur, shared tips to become drug free. A good life is created by good thoughts. A drama on de-addiction was performed by young artists.
On this occasion, Rajendra Kumar Soni, Assistant (Director), Rajiv Garg, Ajay (Manager), all shared their beautiful thoughts on becoming drug free and appreciated it. Such programs are very important. Brahma Kumaris Institute is doing a very good job. I thanked everyone and wished them all the best.
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