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The Current Scenario

Ujjain police arrested chain snatching accused.

Gulshan Paruthi. Ujjain.

1 Ujjain police arrested chain snatching accused.
2 Joint team of Thana Mahakal, Nagjhiri, Chintaman Ganesh and 
   Cyber ??Crime Branch got great success.
3 They used to come from Indore and commit crime in Ujjain, 02 
    incidents of chain snatching revealed.
4 Two gold chains weighing 7 tolas and total seized material              worth Rs. 6.50 lakh recovered from the accused and black              coloured Bajaj Pulsar bike used in the crime was recovered.
5 accused are professional robbers and burglars against whom       more than three dozen crimes are registered.

Superintendent of Police Ujjain has given instructions to prevent property related crimes in the district and trace the criminals.

In this connection, under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police (West) Shri Guruprasad Parashar, Additional Superintendent of Police (East) Shri Nitesh Bhargava, under the leadership of Deputy Superintendent of Police Crime Yogesh Tomar, a joint team of Cyber ??Crime Team and Police Station Mahakal and Police Station Nagjhiri has arrested 02 accused of chain snatching. From whom two gold chains weighing 07 tolas and a black coloured Bajaj Pulsar bike have been recovered, the total seized material including estimated cost of Rs 6.50 lakh.

??Action taken by the police -

• First incident - Date 11.09.2024 A Chennai resident complainant reported      that the complainant's elderly mother-in-law's chain Mangalsutra has been    stolen on Narsingh Ghat Road. On the incident, Crime No. 503/24 Section    303(2) BNS was registered at Police Station Mahakal.

•Second incident - On 02.08.2023, the complainant, a resident of Nagjhiri,reported that she was going to her house in Malanvasa when the accused snatched the gold chain from the complainant's neck and fled on a  motorcycle. Crime No. 254/23 Section 392, 34 IPC was registered at  Nagjhiri police station on the incident.

Ujjain Police showing sensitivity towards the elderly devotee, took the chain snatching incident very seriously and as per the instructions of senior officers, to trace the accused who committed the incident, collected CCTV footage from more than 40 cameras installed around the incident site and on the roads and identified the appearance of the accused seen in the footage and the routes used by the accused before and after the incident and with the help of Cyber ??Crime Branch, police station Mahakal and Nagjhiri police succeeded in identifying the accused using technical resources. Since both the accused are clever burglars, they will also be questioned in relation to other theft incidents in the city.

??Date of Incident- The clever habitual accused used to target elderly   people and women in deserted areas/colonies located in various police station areas in the city. The accused used to snatch the chain after getting a chance and fulfill their desires by selling the goods. The accused have admitted to two incidents in Ujjain city. The accused are being questioned in relation to other incidents.

Both the accused are also clever burglars who have carried out big incidents in the past.

??Seized material - 06 tola, 10 gram tola gold chain Vehicle used in the incident - Black colour Bajaj Pulsar MP 09 ZK 0559 estimated price Rs 01 lakh, total value of seized material Rs 6.50 lakh.

??Details of the accused - Accused Kishore father Antar Singh Rathod age 50 years resident of Bhavani Nagar Wanganga Indore has about 42 crimes registered against him in other districts Indore, Dewas, Burhanpur, Ujjain under serious sections including assault, abuse, theft, robbery, dacoity attempt to murder, excise, Arms Act.

Against the accused Naveen Verma father Siyaram Verma age 40 years resident of Mahesh Yadav Nagar Banganga Indore, a total of 09 crimes have been registered in other districts of Indore in the past as well under serious sections including assault, abuse, theft, robbery, dacoity, attempt to murder, excise, arms act.

??Commendable work - Police station in-charge Mahakal Narendra Singh, Police station in-charge Nagjhiri Kamal Nigwal, SI Pratik Yadav, SI Bhupendra Chauhan, SI Gamar Mandloi, SI Surendra Panwar, PR Rajpal Singh Yadav, PR Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, PR Kailash Devda, PR Prakash Alawa, PR Kuldeep Bhardwaj, PR Somendra Dubey, PR Rupesh Birwan, PR Rajpal Vandel, PR Prem Samarwal, PR Anees Mansuri, R. Gulshan Chauhan, R. Rahul Panchal, R. Anit Pancholi, R. Rohit Mishra, R. Manish Yadav, soldier Sunil Thakur played a key role.

Gulshan Paruthi - Gwalior
3432 50


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