S. P. Tiwari - Lakhimpur - Kheri
The reaction came after misleading news of Nighasan's registered lab Rai Diagnostic Center.
Nighasan-Kheri. For the past few days, news of Rai Diagnostic Center was going viral in which the report was said to be wrong. Rai Diagnostic Center's reaction has come to the fore in the matter.
Doctor Praveen Rai, the operator of the registered lab located in front of the purchase and sale centre on Dhakherwa Road in Nighasan town, said that some people who do not have medical knowledge are calling the report wrong. He noted that Kiran Yadav's wife Rajesh Yadav, a resident of Nanak Nagar Ward No. 10, whose ultrasound was done by our Rai Diagnostic Center. Registered doctor on 12 August 2024 and 10 September 2024, no development was seen in the child within this time period. In which the development of the child remained stable on taking measurements of the head, thigh bone and abdomen and no change was seen in the development of the child as per time. Due to this, the report was provided given the current condition of the child. Due to ignorance, there was a mistake in understanding the report. The report was provided considering the current condition of the child which is satisfactory.
He said that we have lived up to our credibility for years. That is why people come here for tests. He also requested people that if they do not understand the report, they should seek information from a person who has good medical knowledge.
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